Migraine Headaches and Gluten

Migraine Headaches and Gluten

At the bakery, I've meet several people who suffered from migraine headaches. They told me that their doctors suggested they try a gluten-free diet. Their results....they said it worked! Here are some other suggestions I found:

If you suffer from migraines: try a gluten-free diet, and stay away from perfumes and chemicals. There may be more to it; possibly other food sensitivities, or a lack of nutrition, teeth grinding, caffeine, medication.

There's a great video on Gluten free Society's website. Here's the link: https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/migraine-headaches-and-gluten-sensitivity-a-strong-connection/

There's another great article on webmd http://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/features/5-important-lifestyle-changes-for-migraines

Feel free to share your experience.